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All about robots, both prebuilt and custom.
How to build a robot using Robot Studio
How can I extract data from lists and their associated details pages? (deep scraping)
How can I create a workflow connecting two robots?
How to build a robot using the Chrome extension
Can you build a robot to extract emails and phone numbers?
Can my robot fill out a form or perform an action before extracting data?
How to create robots without installing the browser extension
Feature overview of Robot Studio: Browse AI's data extraction platform
How do recommended datasets work in Robot Studio?
What does the Browse AI Chrome extension do?
How do I handle pagination and scrolling?
How to scrape and monitor data behind a login
How to extract data from iFrames
Can I download files using Browse AI?
Can I extract data from PDF files?
Can I extract all items from a list without knowing the count?
How to chain more than two robots together
How to run your robot