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How to build a robot using Robot Studio
How to build a robot using Robot Studio

Train robots to extract web data in minutes with Robot Studio - our point and click platform to extract and monitor data from any website.

Nick Simard avatar
Written by Nick Simard
Updated over a month ago

What is Robot Studio?

Robot Studio is Browse AI's intuitive interface for training data extraction robots. This powerful tool helps you quickly create robots that can extract and monitor data from any website.

Getting started with Robot Studio

Training a new robot

  1. From your Browse AI dashboard, click on Start Training Robot

  2. Enter the Origin URL you would like to extract data from

  3. Click on Start Training Robot

  4. In the next screen, select Use Robot Studio

How to train your robot to capture data (text)

You'll now see the Robot Studio interface where you can begin training your robot to extract data.

Using Robot Studio you can capture text (as a list, or as text), or you can capture a screenshot.

Based on the Origin URL, you might need to navigate from this page to get to the data you want to capture. Using Robot Studio you can search, login, navigate, click or scroll to do so.

Capturing lists of data

To extract repeating information like product listings or search results:

  1. On the right sidebar, click on Capture Text

  2. Select From a list

  3. Hover over the list of items on the page until you see a dotted outline around the elements you want to capture

  4. Click to select the list when the outline matches your desired data set

Structure your list data automatically using recommended datasets

When you select a list, Robot Studio will scan it to suggest data points with pre-labeled columns. This recommended dataset feature makes it easier to quickly extract structured data.

Structure your list data manually by selecting data points

If you prefer to manually select specific data points:

  1. Hover over each item you'd like to extract

  2. Click to select them

  3. When finished, click Confirm or press Enter

  4. Label each data point (press Enter after each one to move to the next)

Review your output data and configure your robot based on the list you want to extract

  1. Give your list a descriptive name

  2. Check that all data was extracted accurately

  3. Set the maximum number of rows to extract

  4. Select the appropriate pagination type if data spans multiple pages

  5. Save your captured list

Capturing specific text

For extracting individual pieces of information from a page.

  1. On the right sidebar, click on Capture Text

  2. Select Just text

  3. Hover over the text you want to capture

  4. Click to select it

  5. Label your captured text

  6. Save the captured text

  7. Select Finish when you are done capturing text

How to train your robot to capture a screenshot

In addition to text data, you can capture screenshots of the website.

  1. In the right sidebar, click on Capture Screenshot

  2. Choose from these options:

    • Selections: specify which part(s) of the page to capture

    • Entire Page: capture the complete webpage

    • Visible Part: capture only what's currently visible without scrolling

  3. Confirm your screenshot in the Output Data Preview table

  4. To remove a screenshot, use the delete option in the preview table

Managing your robot

Finalizing your robot

When you've finished training your robot on the data you need:

  1. Click Finish Recording

  2. Give your robot a clear, descriptive name

  3. Review the extracted data (this is a preview of what and how your robot has been trained to extract)

  4. Choose from the options at the bottom of the screen:

    • Yes, looks good to approve your robot

    • No, let me re-train the robot to start over

    • No, report an issue instantly trigger a ticket to our support team

    • Delete this robot to remove it completely

In order to unlock features including monitoring, integrations, and more you have to approve your robot first.

Making changes during recording

Robot Studio allows you to modify your data extraction while recording:

Removing a data point

  1. In the sidebar, hover over the data point you want to remove

  2. Click the trash can icon to delete it

  3. Confirm the change in the data preview table

Removing an entire list

  1. In the Output Data Preview table, hover over the list name

  2. Click the trash can icon below the list name

  3. Confirm the deletion when prompted

CAUTION: There is no way to undo the deletion of the list so make sure you want to delete it before proceeding with this.

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