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Overview of Browse AI Tables
Overview of Browse AI Tables

Browse AI Tables help you view, organize, and export data captured by your robots, with tabs for main information and extracted lists.

Nick Simard avatar
Written by Nick Simard
Updated over a month ago

Tables are where you view, manage, and interact with all data captured by your robots. Every robot has its own Table, providing an organized way to see historical runs, export your data, and set up bulk operations.

What are Browse AI Tables?

Tables are the central hub for all data captured by your robots. Each Table automatically organizes your data in a structured format with these key capabilities:

  • View all data extracted by your robot.

  • Track historical runs and compare changes over time.

  • Export data in CSV or JSON formats.

  • Import data to perform bulk runs.

  • Filter and sort your data for easier analysis.

Fast facts

  • Every robot has a data Table attached to it

  • Every table has a Main tab (see below for details)

  • Extra tabs are added for each list that is scraped by your robot, if any (see below for details)

  • You can export data from Tables (as CSV or JSON)

  • You can import CSVs to a Table in order to perform a Bulk Run

  • You can add single rows in order to then scrape that URL

  • Data can be filtered in a variety of ways

  • Columns can be resized but not hidden or re-ordered

Table structure basics

Every Table includes at least one tab (the Main tab) and may include additional tabs depending on what your robot extracts:

  • Main tab: shows one row per robot run with overall information.

  • List tabs: one additional tab appears for each list of items your robot extracts.

Understanding the Main tab

The Main tab provides a summary of each time your robot has run, including:

  • Origin URL: the webpage that was scraped.

  • [List Name] Limit: the maximum number of items you set to extract.

  • Last Extract: date and time of the extraction.

  • Status: whether the run was successful or failed.

  • Items extracted per list: count of items collected from each list.

  • Non-list extracted data: any individual text elements captured (if applicable).

Main tab example

Example - in the screenshot below you can see Origin URL, 2 columns with information about the extracted lists limit, Last Extract, Status, and one column per list of how many items were extracted.

Main tab example without captured texts

Example without extracted data (captured texts) - in this example, there is only information about the robot run itself.

Main tab example with captured texts

Example with extracted data (captured texts) - here, notice the extra columns for Heading, Subheading, and a couple of others.

Understanding list tabs

If your robot extracts lists of items (like products, properties, or search results), each list will have its own dedicated tab containing:

  • Origin URL: the source webpage.

  • [List Name] Limit: maximum items set for extraction.

  • Extract Date: when the data was collected.

  • Item fields: columns for each piece of data extracted from list items (such as name, price, description).

Working with your data

How to export data

You can export any tab in your Table as CSV or JSON format:

  1. Select the tab you want to export.

  2. Filter the data based on what you'd like to export (filters are being covered in the next section).

  3. Click the Export button above your Table.

  4. Choose the export format (CSV or JSON).

  5. Click Export to export the data.

The file will be available for immediate download, and you'll also receive an email with a download link.

Did you know? Exports will respect filters that have been added

How to filter the data you see in your Table

In order to have control of the data you’re viewing in Tables, you’re able to filter your tab(s) by the following:

  • Origin URL

  • [List Name] Limit

  • Extract Date

  • Status

  • Created by

  • Bulk Run name (only enabled when the data comes from a bulk run)

How to show or hide historical data

When your robot captures the same data multiple times (using identical input parameters), you can choose whether to view all historical versions or only the most recent:

  • Show historical data (checked): displays all runs of your robot, including duplicates with the same parameters.

  • Show historical data (unchecked): shows only the most recent data for each unique set of parameters.

If you only want to export the most up to date data, leave Show historical data unchecked, and then click Export.

Notice in this example that checking the box changes the number of rows from 4 to 8. Since that's the exact same items captured twice, you can choose whether to show/hide the duplicates.

Customizing your view

While column order cannot be changed, you can resize columns to better view your data:

  • Click and drag the column divider to adjust width.

  • Double-click any cell to view its complete contents in a popup if it's too large to display fully.

You can double-click into a column that has more data than can be displayed, in order to see the entire contents.

Additional Table features

Importing CSVs for bulk runs

You can import a CSV file containing multiple URLs or parameters to run your robot on many targets at once:

  1. Click Import CSV above your Table.

  2. Upload your properly formatted CSV file.

  3. Review the data and start your bulk run.

Manually adding single rows

For quick scrapes of individual URLs:

  1. Click Add Row above your Table.

  2. Enter the URL and any other required parameters.

  3. Click Add to queue this for extraction.

Common questions about Tables

  • Can I hide columns? No, all columns will display, but you can resize them to minimize space used.

  • Can I delete data from a Table? No, all historical data is preserved for reference.

  • Can I add custom tabs? No, tabs are automatically generated based on your robot's extraction settings.

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