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Overview of Browse AI Tables
Overview of Browse AI Tables

If you want to view your robot's data, view historical runs, export your data, or bulk run tasks or more you can do all of this using tables.

Nick Simard avatar
Written by Nick Simard
Updated today

Fast facts

  • Every robot has a data Table attached to it

  • Every table has a Main tab (see below for details)

  • Extra tabs are added for each list that is scraped by your robot, if any (see below for details)

  • You can export data from Tables (as CSV or JSON)

  • You can import CSVs to a Table in order to perform a Bulk Run

  • You can add single rows in order to then scrape that URL

  • Data can be filtered in a variety of ways

  • Columns can be resized but not hidden or re-ordered

Explaining the tabs in your Table

There is always at least the Main tab. And depending whether any lists were extracted, you will see one tab per list.

What is the Main tab?

The Main tab of your Table will show one row per run of your robot and include the following information:

  • Origin URL: the webpage that was scraped

  • [List Name] Limit: the limit you set for the number of items of that list to extract

  • Last Extract: the date and time of the last data extraction

  • Status: was the run successful or did it fail?

  • The number of items extracted per list: one column per list extracted

  • Non-List Extracted Data (if applicable): this includes captured text, that's not part of a list of items

In the screenshot below you can see Origin URL, 2 columns with information about the extracted lists limit, Last Extract, Status, and one column per list of how many items were extracted.

Example without extracted data (captured texts)

In this example, there is only information about the robot run itself.

Example with extracted data (captured texts)

Here, notice the extra columns for Heading, Subheading, and a couple of others.

What are the other tabs?

Your Table will have extra tabs if you've extracted items from a list. In that case, it's one tab per list.

These tabs will contain the items from your list(s):

  • Origin URL: the webpage that was scraped

  • [List Name] Limit: the limit you set for the number of items of that list to extract

  • Extract Date: the date and time of that particular data extraction

  • One column per list item field extracted: in the example below you can see Product Name, Product Description, Product Link, etc.

How to export data from your Table

You can export a CSV or JSON of any tab in your Table. Exports will respect filters that have been added, as well. We will always indicate what’s being exported when you’re in the Export Data so you can confidently export the exact data you want.

The file will be available for download right there in your Table, and we will send you an email with a link to download as well.

How to filter the data you see in your Table

In order to have control of the data you’re viewing in Tables, you’re able to filter your tab(s) by the following:

  • Origin URL

  • [List Name] Limit

  • Extract Date

  • Status

  • Created by

  • Bulk Run name (only enabled when the data comes from a bulk run)

What does Show Historical Data mean?

When the same data is captured multiple times, the previously captured data are historical data that you can choose to hide if you only want to see the most recent version.

Any data that are captured using an identical set of input parameters are considered the same data at different points in time.

What does "identical set of input parameters" mean?

This means that the Original URL and any other parameters (like search terms, limit of items to extract, etc) are exactly the same.

Notice in this example that checking the box changes the number of rows from 4 to 8. Since that's the exact same items captured twice, you can choose whether to show/hide the duplicates.

When you hover over the question mark, the explanation will be specific to your exact Table/robot, so you can be confident of what constitutes "historical data".

How to resize columns in your Table

When viewing the data in your Tables you can resize the columns. This is helpful if you want to see the entire contents of a column, but also if you want to reduce the width of columns that are less important/relevant (the Origin URL, for example).

You can double-click into a column that has more data than can be displayed, in order to see the entire contents.

Further reading/resources

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