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How to filter the data in a Table
How to filter the data in a Table

Filter your Browse AI Table data by origin URL, extract date, status, and more to focus on specific tasks and find exactly what you need.

Nick Simard avatar
Written by Nick Simard
Updated over a month ago

Browse AI Tables organize all the data your robots collect, but sometimes you need to focus on specific information. Filters help you narrow down what you see, making it easier to analyze and work with your data.

Two ways to filter your data

You can filter your Table data in two ways:

  1. Quick filtering to drill down on a specific task.

  2. Custom filters using the Add Filter button.

Quick filtering: Drill down on a single task

When your robot has scraped multiple tasks, you can quickly filter to see data from just one specific run:

  1. In your Main tab, hover over a row in your Table.

  2. Look for the eye icon that appears in the list column.

  3. Click the eye icon to filter the list tab to show only data from that specific task.

Once applied, you'll see a filter badge showing the Task ID, limiting the data to just that one extraction.

In the example below, we hover over the column that relates to the list we scraped (YC Fintech Companies), and then click on the eye icon.

Custom filtering: Adding a filter

For more advanced filtering options, use the Add Filter button located above your Table.

Origin URL filter

Filter by the specific webpage your robot started from. This is useful when:

  • Your robot runs on multiple similar pages.

  • You want to focus on data from a specific source.

  • You're comparing data across different websites.

Example: In this deep scrape example from the Y Combinator website, we've chosen to filter by a specific company page that we've scraped.

[List Name] Limit filter

If your robot extracts lists (like products, properties, or articles), you can filter by how many items you chose to extract:

  • Filter to see only your comprehensive data sets (higher limits).

  • Focus on smaller, more targeted extractions.

  • Compare different sampling sizes.

Example: If you've run some tests with small limits (10-20 items) and then full extractions (100+ items), you can filter to show only the complete data sets.

Note: This filter only appears if your robot extracts list data.

Extract Date filter

Filter by when the data was collected. This is particularly useful for:

  • Viewing only the most recent data.

  • Analyzing data from a specific time period.

  • Tracking changes during a particular date range.

To get results for "today", you would select between (whatever date today is) and (whatever date tomorrow is).

Status filter

Filter tasks based on whether they succeeded or failed:

  • Successful: shows only tasks that completed without errors.

  • Failed: shows only tasks that encountered problems.

When to use "Successful" filter

  • When preparing data for analysis or export.

  • When you want clean data without errors.

When to use "Failed" filter

  • When troubleshooting your robot.

  • When investigating why expected data is missing.

Created by filter

Filter by who or what initiated the task:

  • User: tasks manually created by team member.

  • Monitor: tasks automatically run by scheduled monitors.

  • API: tasks triggered via webhooks, Zapier, or the REST API.

  • System: occasional system-generated tasks for optimization (these don't consume your credits).

Bulk Run name filter

When you've used the bulk run feature to extract data from multiple URLs at once, you can filter by the specific bulk run:

  • Each bulk run has a name that includes the date and time.

  • Select from the dropdown to see only data from that specific bulk run.

This filter is only available when your Table contains data from bulk runs. If you see that option is greyed out, this means there is not a bulk run activated for that robot.

Combining multiple filters

You can apply several filters simultaneously to precisely target the data you need.

For example:

  • Show only successful extractions from a specific website during the last week.

  • View only monitor-created tasks that failed on a particular date.

  • Focus on data from a specific bulk run with a certain item limit.

Filtering limitations

Currently, it's not possible to filter by the actual data your robot extracted (such as prices, names, or descriptions).

Clearing filters

To remove a filter:

  1. Click the X on any filter badge that appears above your Table.

  2. To remove all filters at once, click Clear all filters.

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