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Can data be deleted from a Table?
Can data be deleted from a Table?

No - all extracted data is preserved as a historical record, without deletion options, but you can use filters to focus on specific information.

Nick Simard avatar
Written by Nick Simard
Updated over a month ago

Data preservation in Browse AI

Tables is as a complete historical record of all data your robot has extracted. Currently, it's not possible to delete, modify, or remove rows from your Tables.

This design approach ensures you maintain:

  • A complete audit trail of all extracted data.

  • Historical comparisons for monitoring changes over time.

  • Data integrity for reporting and analysis.

Managing your view instead of deleting

While you can't delete data, you can control what you see using these approaches:

Filtering options

The most effective way to focus on specific data is by using the filtering tools:

  • Filter by Origin URL to focus on specific websites.

  • Filter by date range to see only recent extractions.

  • Filter by status to exclude failed runs.

  • Filter by creator or bulk run name for team environments.

Hide historical data

Use the "Show historical data" toggle to hide older versions of the same extraction, showing only the most recent data for each unique set of parameters.

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