Switching your Workspace

Do you belong to multiple workspaces in Browse AI? Switching between them is quick and easy! This guide will show you how to navigate between your workspaces and manage your team settings.

  1. Click on the "Personal" menu in the top-left corner of your Browse AI dashboard. It's located between the Browse AI logo and the "Dashboard" text:

  2. Click on the respective workspace you want to be in, like so:

  1. This will then take you to your preferred Workspace, where you can access and manage your respective robots, members, tasks, and settings within that environment.
  2. To see which workspace you're currently in, simply check the top-left corner of the Browse AI dashboard. The workspace name will be displayed there.

Want to get familiar with your workspace dashboard? Check out our article: Learning about Workspaces. 🏢

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Workspace settings overview

This section outlines how to manage your team and its settings within. Here you can:

  • Switch between workspaces: The top navigation bar displays your current workspace and allows you to switch between them. This applies to everywhere in your dashboard.
  • Update your workspace name: Edit the workspace name field and click "Update."
  • Invite new team members: Click the + Invite Teammate button to add new members to your workspace.
  • If you're the Workspace owner, you can:
    • Edit your team members' roles.
    • Access and adjust notification settings for each team member:

Need More Help?

If you have any questions about managing your workspaces or team settings, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.


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