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What is an Origin URL?

The Origin URL is the starting web address where your robot begins extracting data.

Nick Simard avatar
Written by Nick Simard
Updated over a month ago

The Origin URL is the web address where your robot begins its task.

The Origin URL is the starting web address where your robot begins extracting data. When you adjust this URL, you can use the same robot across multiple similar pages without creating new robots.

How to use Origin URLs

Every Custom Robot comes with an Origin URL input parameter that points to the link they were trained on by default.

  1. When training a robot, enter the first URL you want to extract data from

  2. Browse AI automatically sets this as the default Origin URL

  3. To extract data from a different page with the same layout:

    • Open your robot settings

    • Update the Origin URL parameter

    • Run the robot on the new page

By adjusting this parameter, you can use a single robot to work on multiple pages with similar layouts:

For example, the different company pages below all have similar data points:

That means you can use a single robot to monitor multiple company pages by adjusting the Origin URL for each monitor:


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