Transferring your robots

This guide will show you how to transfer your robot(s) from your Personal dashboard to your Team dashboard and vice-versa. 👇

I. Approve your robot, if not yet done.

Scroll down beyond the results after building your robot to see this.

II. Go to your robot's Settings tab.

  • After approving your robot, the tabs should no longer be greyed out.
Found below your Robot's title

III. Find the Transfer Ownership option under the Danger Zone and choose your team dashboard from the dropdown menu.

If you are a member of a Team Environment, you have the opportunity to transfer the robots you’ve developed in your Personal dashboard to the Team's dashboard. This allows for better collaboration and resource sharing among team members, ensuring that everyone can access and utilize the robots you’ve created.

IV. Click on Save for the changes to take effect.

And you're done! Feel free to repeat these steps for your other personal robots.

Hope this helps! Do you have any other questions? We're only an email away!


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